Author's posts
Oct 16
Come and join your friends and neighbors Sunday October 23rd 2:00 to 4:00 PM In the front yard of the Wardcliff School We will have Fun & Games for kids, Apple Cider & Donuts, Fixins for making S’mores and more! “Dress for Halloween if you like” The Meridian Fire Department will be present for the …
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Sep 29
CATA will host three presentations that will focus on modifications to the Bus Rapid Transit project.
CATA will host three presentations that focus on various modifications to the Bus Rapid Transit project that are currently being considered based on recent public input. CATA will present the pros, cons and impacts of each option; discuss any further analyses that may be required; and conduct a brief question-and-answer session. These presentations will represent …
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Jun 12
CATA BRT Meeting for the Wardcliff Neighborhood
What is the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Project? Where does CATA propose to build it? How will it affect our neighborhood? The Wardcliff Neighborhood Association is sponsoring a presentation by CATA followed by a question and answer session about the proposed BRT. Come and learn about the BRT and how it will change traffic flow …
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Mar 02
Meridian Township is Hosting a CATA BRT Community Conversation
Meridian Township is Hosting a CATA BRT Community Conversation Tuesday, March 22, 2016 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Meridian Township Municipal Building Meridian Township Hall 5151 Marsh Road Okemos, MI 48864 The purpose of Meridian Township hosting this joint CATA BRT Community Conversation is to hear a formal presentation from CATA and gather input from …
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Jan 23
Request by Developer for 4.6 Million Dollars from Meridian Township Taxpayers
At the January 5, 2016 Meridian Township Board meeting, a development company called Campus Village Communities presented a Brownfield Proposal to pay for environmental cleanup of the property where they plan to build a mixed-use project called “The Square on Grand River”. The land in question is currently undeveloped or part of the parking lot …
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Dec 14
Park Lake Road Closing
On Wednesday, December 16th the Meridian Township Water Department will close Park Lake Road (between Grand River Ave and Haslett Road) to through traffic for water main repairs. Local traffic will still have access to their destinations. For more information: Road Closures in Meridian Township Park Lake Road – Closure Notice
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Nov 08
Meridian Cares Emergency Needs Fundraiser
Meridian Cares Team Aims to Raise $10,000 for Those in Need Raffle Tickets Being Sold to Reach Goal. The Meridian Cares Team is organizing its second “Meridian Cares Emergency Needs Fundraiser” for residents in the Township who are in need of assistance this holiday season. According to the U.S. Census, about 13 percent or …
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Mar 25
Mar 28 10am–2pm 1605 Haslett Rd. Haslett by Blondie’s Barn, SE corner, Marsh & Haslett with LATEX ONLY $1/can (regularly $2/can) *if you have oil-based (alkyd) paint, see For more info visit or call 517-853-4466
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Jan 02
Preparation Information from Lansing BWL
Lansing area Neighborhood Association Leaders…. Here’s to a much better 2015! As we approach yet another winter storm this weekend… I want to let you know the Lansing Board of Water & Light is ready. We have crews on standby, equipment and materials on hand, and a team that is eager to earn your trust. …
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Oct 23
November 4th General Election For Precinct 12
Election Day for the Michigan General Election is Tuesday, November 4th.Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Registered voters may view a sample ballot by entering their voter information online at Voters in Precinct 12 will vote at the former Wardcliff Elementary School building, 5150 Wardcliff Dr, East Lansing, MI 48823. [google-map-v3 width=”450″ height=”450″ zoom=”16″ maptype=”hybrid” mapalign=”center” directionhint=”false” language=”default” poweredby=”false” maptypecontrol=”true” pancontrol=”true” zoomcontrol=”true” scalecontrol=”true” streetviewcontrol=”true” scrollwheelcontrol=”false” draggable=”true” tiltfourtyfive=”false” addmarkermashupbubble=”false” addmarkermashupbubble=”false” addmarkerlist=”5150 Wardcliff Dr, East Lansing, MI{}1-default.png{}Wardcliff School” bubbleautopan=”true” showbike=”false” showtraffic=”false” showpanoramio=”false”] The Clerk’s Office will be open Saturday, November 1st from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to issue absentee ballots; this is also the last day ballots can be mailed to residents. Absentee ballots are available in person through 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 3rd. Ballots requested on November 3rd must be completed at the Meridian Township Municipal Building and cannot be taken out of the building. All voted ballots must be returned to the Clerk’s Office by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day November 4th. Voters at the polls must show a picture ID or sign an affidavit that they are “not in possession of a picture ID” before they are allowed to vote. For a complete list of Precinct locations or more information about the election visit the Township website at
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