
About Wardcliff Neighborhood Association


MISSION – Build a community of neighbors sharing resources to solve common problems and encouraging good stewardship, cooperation and friendships.
WNA shall accomplish its mission through the following objectives:
1.To promote a healthy thriving community through shared values that respect and foster sustainable solutions for social, economic and neighborhood well-being.
2.To lessen the burden of local government by creating a neighborhood infrastructure that will enhance collective capacity to identify solutions to individual and neighborhood problems.
3.To create a safety net of caring that is extended to neighbors and those in need.
4.To secure financial resources and solicit charitable donations to support initiatives that foster a sense of community, identify the areas of expertise in the neighborhood and facilitate opportunities to build social capital and civic engagement.
5.To collaborate with organizations including the business community in pursuit of creating a healthy thriving community.
6.To promote communication on neighborhood interest and friendship among neighbors.
(The WNA is a Michigan non-profit corporation)


Mailing Address:

Wardcliff Neighborhood Association
P.O. Box 65
Okemos, MI 48805-0065


Permanent link to this article: https://www.wardcliff.org/about/