WNA eBoard Meeting Minutes – 20-MAR-2013

Meeting called to order at 6:45pm

Present at meeting:
Martin Chilvers, John Scott-Craig, Andy Phelps, Christine Beavers

Action on minutes:
Motion to approve 2/20 minutes made by Martin, seconded by John & unanimously approved

Treasurers Report:
No treasurers report today

Cabin Fever Follow up:
John thought it was a great event.  Mentioned that we need to update the website with what happened at the event (currently still advertises the event).  John will contact Brian re: updating the website.   40 attended.  Great speakers.

For the next event, discussion about improving attendance.

Annual Meeting:
Tentative date of May 22nd at 7:00pm.  Investigating locations.  More to come once information is available.  Esther may have more info in a couple weeks.

Yard Sale:
Discussion of whether to have it after the annual meeting.  Dates thrown around included May 31-June 1 & June 7-8.  Group decided that these were 2 good dates for the sale.

Group needs to discuss paying dues for the coming year.

Nothing to report

Government Relations:
Quick discussion on the new Township Manager.  Frank Walsh was offered to position.

New Business:
Discussion on Wardcliff School mission statement on hold until more info on the school is known.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wardcliff.org/wna-eboard-minutes-20130320/