November 18, 2013 – 7:00 pm at Meridian Township Hall
As announced in the Towne Courier, a Public Hearing will be held before the Meridian Township Planning Commission on Monday November 18, 2013 at 7 PM at the Meridian Township Hall. Under consideration is a plan to build a Whole Foods supermarket on a portion of the former Mobile Home Manor trailer park site. Whole Foods is expected to attract customers from a wide area, not just the local community. While many in our neighborhood are looking forward to the arrival of a permanent tenant on the long-empty Mobile Home Manor site (behind the Velocipede Peddler and Tom’s Party Store), one particular concern has been raised by a number of residents.
- This concern involves the probable increase in “cut through” traffic seeking a shortcut through our neighborhood to the Whole Foods Market to avoid traffic congestion on Grand River Avenue.
- Increased traffic is a hazard given the Wardcliff Neighborhood’s narrow winding streets that often lack both shoulders and sidewalks and are frequently used by pedestrians and bicyclists.
The best possible solution to this issue would be to close the two entrances leading from Sirhal Drive into the Coral GablesPlaza and other businesses. These closures would prevent both customer and delivery truck traffic from entering or leaving the Whole Foods Market site by “the back door” and passing in front of the Stratford Place senior housing development on the way to Brookfield Drive.
We all have experience in how difficult exiting Brookfield Drive can be when traffic on Grand River Avenue is heavy, so many of these customers and delivery trucks may choose to travel north on Brookfield and into our neighborhood. This increased use of our neighborhood streets could negatively affect our quality of life and cause serious safety problems.
If you have concerns about traffic in our neighborhood or have questions that you would like to ask there are several choices available. You can attend the Public Hearing before the Planning Commission (Monday November 18, 2013 at 7PM in the Meridian Township Hall) and speak to the members of the Commission directly.
If you prefer you can express your views to the Planning Commission either by e-mail (Principal Planner Gail Oranchak, or by letter (The Meridian Township Planning Commission, 5151 Marsh Road, Okemos, MI48864).